
The following Resources are provided for Peter’s clients.

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Relationship Resources

Use Soft Start ups - not Harsh - Softening the start-up of your arguments and complaints is crucial to resolving relationship conflicts.

Gottman Cards Deck App – a relationship app from The Gottman Institute - download and play

Great Listening Skills - a Gottman booklet to help with better listening and relational skills

Small Things Often - How to build a loving relationship (Gottman Institute)

Fondness and Admiration - a Gottman 7 week guide for self-help

The Four Horseman - Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, and Stonewalling

Manage Conflict: The Art of Compromise - Compromise never feels perfect. Dr Gottman: “The important thing is feeling understood, respected, and honoured”.

Mindfulness – Leaves on a Stream audio file from Dr Russ Harris

The Marriage Minute - an email newsletter from The Gottman Institute that will improve your marriage in 60 seconds or less. Sign up (free)

The Feeling Wheel - help to identify those deeper feelings and emotions

Fact Sheet - Depression and the benefits of exercise

Fact Sheet - Assertive, not Aggressive

Prepare/Enrich - More than 4,000,000 couples have prepared for their committed relationship or marriage through taking the P/E assessment and working with a Certified Facilitator.

Prepare Enrich Workbook - a helpful supplement to the assessment with useful tips on financial management, communication etc

Gottman Relationship Check up – Created by Drs. John and Julie Gottman, The Gottman Relationship Checkup automatically scores a relationship’s strengths and challenges and provides specific recommendations for intervention.

Intensive Marathon Couples Therapy -Marathon Couples Therapy is an innovative and highly successful approach to couple distress recovery that consists of 2 days in which you and your partner engage in intensive marital therapy for 6 – 7 hours per day broken down into 4 x 90 – 120 minute sessions. Bookings by arrangement.

Wellbeing Couple Resources

The importance of sleep for you and them -

Do you know the difference between Empathy and Sympathy? Watch this 3 min video of Brene Brown

Body Image - body dysmorphia – Information, assessment and help.

Mindfulness – Leaves on a Stream audio file from Dr Russ Harris

The Reality Slap - Finding Peace and Fulfillment When Life Hurts

The Feeling Wheel - help to identify those deeper feelings and emotions

Fact Sheet - Depression and the benefits of exercise

Fact Sheet - Assertive, not Aggressive

The Brain that Changes Itself: neuroplasticity by Dr Norman Doidge

DASS - Depression Anxiety Stress Scale - download

ReachOut – Australia’s leading online mental health organisation for young people and their parents

What to do when you feel lonely - some helpful information to break down loneliness 

Addiction Resources

Overcomers Outreach – addiction support group and meetings

Alcoholics Anonymous – addiction support group and meetings 

Narcotics Anonymous – addiction support group and meetings

Gambling Help Online – counselling, information and 24 hour support line

Sexaholics Anonymous - group meetings for those with sexual compulsion

Smart Recovery - an alternate to AA

Lifeline Australia13 11 14 – 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention


The Australian Counselling Association – Australia's national professional peak association of counsellors and psychotherapists

The Gottman Institute – Seattle, WA based research and training centre, with a focus on relationships and parenting

ACT Mindfully – proponents of the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy model

The Gottman Referral Network member – Level 3 Training attained